Cynthia Hall has over 30 years of writing experience – including 15 years as an editorial reporter for a tight-niche trade publication – before embarking on a professional freelance career a short time ago.

Cynthia has accumulated over 60 bylines in less than two years, and further shines as a correspondent and photographer for a local weekly. She also continues to build her repertoire of satisfied editing clients in both fiction and nonfiction:

“I am overjoyed to see firsthand how Cynthia’s services helped improve my finished product.”

Lynda DuBois – Author, Pull of the Sister Moon.

Cynthia publishes the blog The Happy Muse which is also the title of her first book, an instructional, meditative guide on how to combat creative blocks. The Happy Muse will soon be available on

Forever a stalwart supporter of the writing community, Cynthia is an active member of the National League of American Pen Women, Cape Canaveral Branch; the Space Coast Writer’s Guild; and the Inspire Writers Center in Central Florida.

From Me to You:

Cynthia Hall Portfolio Headshot Life in Caricature 2

Above is my professional bio, but I’d like to take a moment and tell you a little bit about myself on a more personal level. The epitome of the not-so-starving artist (because a girl’s gotta eat), my work history includes every position imaginable in the private and public sectors.

I am a gypsy at heart and several moves prompted additional employment in unknown markets while supporting my loving husband and family.

With one foot in the proverbial Empty Nest and the other tending to a brood of aging parents, I set off on my writing career (in earnest) 18 months ago. I’ve since published over 60 articles and various blog posts and have appeared as the featured guest on the Evolve Podcast discussing Motherhood.

No longer running from my passion for the written word, I’m Changing the World One Word at a Time ©.

I write with an emphasis on inspiration, motivation, aspiration, and admiration in the following categories: Special Interest, Lifestyle, Local Travel, Essay, Poetry, Children’s, Fiction, and Nonfiction.

I also have a passion for editing, for taking a piece of material and polishing it until it shines! Feel free to contact me for your editing needs!

Like many creatives, I feel the tide is turning and new things are brewing, including a brand new editorialized publication, a podcast, and stand-alone books.


  • The Happy Muse ©: How to Combat Creative Blocks (October 2022)
  • Diary of a Dual Nature ©: poems and (very, very) short stories (November 2022)
  • Spring Has Sprung in Springville: children’s series in early production (2023)
  • Hope Springs Eternal: a novel (2023)

Etsy Shop Coming Soon, featuring original poems/prints, motivational prints, household gifts with a literary theme, and more.