Writing tools featuring a notebook and pencil

The Oddest but Coolest Writing Tool You Never Knew You Couldn’t Live Without

Like many of you, I’m often asked what my writing process looks like. And, like many of you, I don’t particularly like answering the question.

The writing process is a personal one. Our writing processes are as unique as we are. Therefore, what works for the goose may not (and likely won’t) work for the gander.

That being said, I do have a tool I believe many writers will benefit from and put to good use. It’s a tool that can be easily incorporated into anyone’s individual writing process, and it’s a weird one.

What is this oh-so-great writing tool?

A metronome.

What the heck is a metronome?

A metronome is that cool thing-a-ma-bob, usually on top of a piano, that keeps rhythm. The musically inclined have been using it for centuries, and its design hasn’t changed much over time.

The metronome is a stellar example of mechanical perfection – of beauty in simplicity – matched only by its uncanny ability to provide the service it is made for: tempo.

It looks a little something like this:

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Go with me on this one; I promise you’ll see the light – err, hear the light – if you haven’t already.

Sorry for the quip. I tend to harbor comedic notions; they usually fail.

For many years I’ve used music as a writing tool. I’d begin a piece, and several paragraphs in, I could sense an emotion flowing from the language. I then match that emotion, that feeling – be it thrilling, sad, energetic, etc. – to a song or musical composition.

I use this technique heavily in the editing process as well. Some words just don’t fit the flow, but then there’s always one little gem that fits perfectly, like a piece to a puzzle.

I get goosebumps when I find that one beautiful, magnificent word.

When my writing is done, I read the entire piece while the chosen musical composition plays on loop. The piece is perfect when all the words read lyrically to the composition.

Each piece of writing becomes somehow poetic in that way, #moregoosebumps.

It may sound ridiculous now, but it wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I realized my writing has a beat, same as musical compositions.



They have rhythm, a pace.

A thriller tends to read quickly, the reader unable to flip through the pages fast enough, while a memoir proceeds somewhat slower, the narrator guiding you through their remembrances.

Back to me…

While writing this one considerably challenging piece, its chosen musical accompaniment was simply not working; it was…off, somehow, and throwing me off as well.

Then it dawned on me: I don’t necessarily write to music as much as I do to beat.

Then it further dawned on me: naturally, if each piece has a soul, then each piece has a heartbeat; its own unique song that breathes life into it.

This dawning elicited a memory from long ago. I was sitting at a piano in my 8th-grade music class, practicing scales.

My music teacher suggested I use “this”.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“A metronome. Here, this is how it works.” She then proceeded to set the weight to I-don’t-know-what, and off it went! TIC-TIC-TIC-TIC-TIC-TIC-TIC- I thought it was marvelous.

I have no idea why, but somewhere deep down, my soul connected with the repetitive pulse. I had no problem with scales after that.

However, I didn’t pursue music beyond that piano class, and as such, I’d completely forgotten about the handy little device until that memory sprung up out of nowhere.

The bright light of Idea danced in my head: I could set the metronome to the heartbeat of my writing piece, whatever “feels” right for the piece, adjusting as needed in the beginning.

I knew I had to have a metronome in my life, and because I’m very much into white office furniture and matching supplies these days, I purchased this one:

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Invigorated with a newfound toy, I wrote my absolute best piece ever! Until the piece after that, and then the piece after that one, and then…

Okay, they’re not all gems, but honestly, my writing has taken on new heights. I leveled up, as they say. Furthermore, I LOVE using the tool.

Let’s face it, writing can be laborious, even for those of us that live and breathe it. Therefore, any writing tool that can assist the process – that can truly offer a better way to achieve a great product – whatever that may be for you, and you thoroughly enjoy using it, is worth its weight in gold, no?

So, that’s it, folks. The metronome – most commonly used in musical pursuits – is the oddest, but coolest writing tool you never knew you couldn’t live without!


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